Aleksandar Dunđerin was born in 1974, in Novi Sad (Serbia), where he graduated from the Faculty of Philology, department of Serbian literature and language. As a journalist and editor he worked in several magazines and dailies in Novi Sad and Belgrade. Dunđerin is the author of several hundred studies, critiques, articles, reviews, nonfiction works, and short stories, published in various collections, art magazines, weekly and daily newspapers. Dunđerin wrote a book of prose fiction (In a Cracked Shell), a book of critiques (Demons are Leaving I. Serbian Literary Prose at the Beginning of the 21st Century), a book of interviews and polemics (Demons are Leaving II). He edited the anthology The Irresistible Hardness of Existing, dedicated to the 21st century Serbian literature in Kosovo, a book of critiques of Miroslav Toholj's works (The Dark Beauty of Being Exposed. Miroslav Toholj's Prose), monographs “Branislav Nušić” Church Choir in Kosovska Mitrovica and Vasilj Anđić (1976-2019). Jazz Me a Picture (with his spouse Miljana Dunđerin). Since 2015, Aleksandar and Miljana Dunđerin have been running the private cultural center “Aquarius” in Kosovska Mitrovica.
All translations from serbian into english by Slavica Miletic